In2Rail will contribute to lay the foundations for further work in the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking and to achieve the objectives of the Transport White Paper. In2Rail impacts are reported below:

Expected impact 1: Surge in the Utilisation of Capacity between 70-90%

  • Smart Infrastructure sub-project:
    • Improved performance (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety -RAMS) of S&C by 50%;
    • Optimised weather resilient track;
    • Reduced possession time for tunnel inspection and repair by 25-40%
    • Low-cost asset monitoring tools and data processing for predictive maintenance, reducing the frequency of physical asset inspection by 50%;
    • Greater capacity to run more trains on quiet infrastructure in some locations -100% more trains if 3dB(A) reduction is achieved;
    • Adaptive risk-based intelligent maintenance approach to asset risks and failure modes, resulting in less disturbance of operations by 15-25%;
    • Optimised integrated maintenance activities focussing on LEAN logistics, performance enhancement and cost drivers. Reduction of the number of possessions required by 25-40%.
  • Intelligent Mobility Management – I²M sub-project:
    • Integration of dynamic asset status and forecasting approaches into traffic control leading to capacity increase of 15-25%; optimised real-time traffic management based on network asset status to avoid and recover faster from disruption;
    • Dynamic adaptive TMS to meet varying demands (e.g. dynamic scheduling based on passenger counting systems).
  • Rail Power Supply and Energy Management sub-project:
    • Optimised line capacity reducing the number of phase separations;
    • Accurate energy measurement leading to energy savings and predicted energy usage that increases capacity without upgrading the electrical infrastructure;
    • Increased line capacity by 20% by allowing all railway stakeholders to become active energy decision makers and contribute to enhance the line operation timetables.
Expected impact 2: Reduction in the recurrent costs of rail operations between 25-45%

  • Smart Infrastructure sub-project:
    • A reduction in inspection and maintenance costs for S&C of more than 25%;
    • Reduction of track maintenance costs resulting from combined ballasted and non-ballasted track technologies;
    • Reduction in inspection cost of tunnels and bridges by 20%;
    • Improved reliability: degradation is continually monitored, and faults predicted; service disrupting faults reduced by 25-40%;
    • Adaptive risk-based maintenance approach to the underlying risks and failure modes of the assets decreases intervention requirements and reduces the cost of maintenance activity by 30% ;
    • Enhanced maintenance activities focussing on logistics, performance killers and cost drivers: reduction in the number of possessions by 25-40%.
  • Intelligent Mobility Management – I²M sub-project:
    • A TMS standardised platform will reduce recurrent ICT costs (e.g. in case of duplication and integration of systems);
    • A TMS integrated with asset status allows operators to:
      • Reduce traction energy consumption;
      • Optimise peak traction power demand across the network.
  • Rail Power Supply and Energy Management sub-project:
    • Intelligent energy measurement tools leading to energy savings of circa 20%;
    • Reduce transmission losses by up to 50%;
    • Optimised off-peak hours tariffs;
    • Intelligent energy management - mode choice between electric or diesel;
    • Improved management of train lighting and air conditioning/heating when not in revenue service;
    • Predictive maintenance by continuous monitoring of energy consumption variations from expected values;
    • Reduce energy and peak costs by control of load balance between feeding points and control of reactive power.
Expected impact 3: Savings in investment costs up to 30%
  • Smart Infrastructure sub-project:
    • Simplified, faster S&C installation requirements through a modular approach - 15% saving;
    • Modular manufacture and installation of new track system reduces cost by 40%;
    • Sensors for simultaneous monitoring of track and vehicles, resulting in compact, cost effective and comprehensive monitoring systems.
  • Intelligent Mobility Management – I²M sub-project:
    • Lower equipment and engineering costs for the deployment or renewal of TMS through the use of open architecture, standardised modules, interfaces and multifunctional screens migrating towards full automation.
  • Rail Power Supply and Energy Management sub-project:
    • Reduce installed power by 25%, whilst achieving the same capacity with increased reliability;
    • Allowing optimal investment in new technologies requiring complex business plans, such as local reversible DC substations or energy storage devices, either on-board or track-side, as well as renewable integration;
    • Reduce investment for public grid connection to 70% by reduced number of feeding points and/or connection to weaker 3 phase grids (e.g. 66kV instead of 220 kV), reduced installed power for same operational task.
In addition to these expected impacts, In2Rail will have a positive impact upon customer experience, standardisation, European competitiveness and economy, the environment, and society.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No: 635900

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Total Budget: €18 million (EU funded)
Project Start Date: 01 May 2015
Project End Date: 30 April 2018 
Duration: 36 months
Partners: 54 


Network Rail
Research, Development & Technology
The Quadrant,
Elder Gate,
Milton Keynes, MK9 1EN
United Kingdom

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